Friday, March 23, 2007

Dems (not) Fighting Words

You have got to be kidding me. Banning hockey fights altogether? Having players wear fighting gloves? Punishing a kid for protecting himself? A lifetime ban for a punch in the heat of the moment? Coley Campbell is crazy. Todd Fedoruk is just a bad fighter. Stephane Robidas got what was coming to him. And Steve Moore was the victim of an unfortunate fall. Don't want hockey fights? Don't go to the game (and quit as NHL VP). Get knocked out twice on two punches? Label yourself for what you are: you're a punching bag, not an enforcer. Run into someone else's fists? Don't go head hunting. Get a serious injury because of an accident? Chalk it up to fate, not malice. This is getting ridiculous. The only reason players are getting hurt is that they don't know how to protect themselves. Let Darwin's law take over, I say. Don't change the rules. If that means we end up with 6 Canadian teams* in the NHL, and one in Boston and Philadelphia, so be it. At least we'll have real hockey.**

*Bring back the Jets.
**At least Boston has a chance of making the playoffs.


Anonymous said...

Funny. I assume you are joking.

I have gone to hundreds of junior and pro games over the years. When fights take place, I stand up and cheer with everyone else. But that does not make it an acceptable part of the game. It it is wrong on so many levels. It is not a fundamental part of the game of hockey. It is a criminal act. It appeals to our most base instincts.

Bob McKenzie of TSN had it right the other day. One day someone will be killed in a hockey fight. The NHL owners and Commissioner know this is a likely eventuality. They will have blood on their hands when it happens.

I play hockey recreationally. I know how passions can become inflamed. However, when you choose to punch, slash or high stick someone, you know it is wrong. If the sanction is severe, you probably will not do it. There are few fights in the playoffs, which features hard-hitting, high-pressure situations. Two goons pounding on each other is a mere sideshow. It is pathetic to watch two 16 year olds pound on each other in junior hockey.

Ok, I have ranted enough for now.

whichwaysthegym said...

OUCH!... You're cruel with that Boston joke. At least you see a need for them in the NHL though. I was just watching TSN and a player goes "I think they should take the triple sowkow out of figure skating because somebody hurt their tailbone pretty bad and missed a competition" or "Let's take the ball out of basketball"

Aeneas the Younger said...

We're still Canadian, eh?

Part of the game.

I don't like the stickwork though - try that shite on Gordie Howe or Bobby Orr !

Brian in Calgary said...

Part of the game.

But the question is, "SHOULD it be part of the game"?

whichwaysthegym said...

Yes. Say you are on Pittsburgh and the opposing team is taking liberties on Sidney Crosby. If you cannot drop the gloves, do you slash the guy in the face?

Players need to be able to govern themselves

DeepRedTory said...

I couldn't agree with 'whichways' any more. Fighting is part of the Canadian game, because it keeps players from taking liberties with the people we're all there to watch (the Gretzky's, the Lemieux's, the Crosby's). Fighting has served this purpose from the very beginning. And it should remain part of the game. For those who think the violence is too much, I hear they're broadcasting Swedish Elite League games on ESPN9.

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